IESIC 2024

The Indian Ecological Society International Conference 2024

"Transforming Agrifood Systems in the Face of Climate Changes and Energy Transitions"

In collaboration with

Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana, India

November 12-15, 2024

Full Paper Guidelines

The manuscript should be in Times New Roman with font size 12.
Title must be short and specific. The byline should comprise name(s) of author(s), complete postal address and e-mail address. Title page must also include a running title .

Abstract must be self-explanatory and should include the objectives, methodology, important points in the results and a conclusion. It should not, in any case, exceed 200 words. The authors should also suggest up to 5 key words below the abstract.

Introduction should be brief and include justification for undertaking the investigation and a short review of earlier work. Key references related to the work must be cited. Must be within one page. Avoid information not related to study conducted. Include 2-3 recent references.

Material and Methods should be clear and concise. This section can be subtitled for clarity. Provide reference to for standard methods used.

Results should be written concisely in a logical order. All data must invariably be given in metric and decimal system. Data presented in figures should not be duplicated in tables and vice versa. All figures and tables should be cited in text and should have concise and self-explanatory headings. The results should be based on statistical analysis with minimum data.

Discussion should be oriented towards explaining the significance and implications of the results obtained and should be well connected with the previous work in this direction. The related papers published in Indian J Ecology must be cited. See Journal Contents link.

Results and Discussion section may preferably be combined to avoid repetition.

References should be arranged alphabetically by the name of the first author and then by the second and third authors as necessary. Scientific Periodicals should not be abbreviated. Cite the full title of journal. Citation should follow the following pattern

Paper in Journal : Kumar V, Kular JS, Kumar R, Sidhu SS and Chhuneja PK 2020. Integrated whitefly [Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)] management in Bt-cotton in North India: An agroecosystem-wide community-based approach. Current Science 119(4): 618-624.

Paper in Proceedings : Joia BS and Battu RS 2005. Status of contamination of okra with presticide residues, pp.177-79. In: VK Dilawari, GS Deol, BS Joia and PK Chhuneja (eds), Proceedings of 1st Congress on Insect Science, December 15-17, 2005, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.

Book : Katyal V and Gangwar B 2011. Statistical Methods for Agricultural Field Experimentations. New India Publishing Agency, Pitam Pura, New Delhi. Pp 1-148

Chapter : Singh M, Vermaa A and  Kumar V 2023. Geospatial technologies for the management of pest and disease in crops, pp. 37-54. In: Qamar Zaman (Ed.), Precision Agriculture, Evolution, Insights and Emerging Trends, Academic Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.

Thesis : Chhuneja PK 1991. Studies on pollen substitutes for the brood rearing of Apis mellifera L. Ph.D. Dissertation, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.

The citation of reference in the text should be as Dhawan and Chauchan (1985) or (Dhawan and Chauchan 1985), Sharma et al (1991) or (Sharma et al 1991) depending on composition of the sentence. Two or more than two references cited jointly should be arranged chronologically and distinguished from each other by (,) except that the word ‘and’ should be used between the last two references.

Complete scientific name of the insect with its full name of authority must be given on its first mention. The contributors must ensure the authenticity of current scientific name and authority

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